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Ep 20: Dating During COVID Ground Rules


The dating scene has evolved with online dating , dating apps, texting, and other technology. While many aspects of dating have changed a great deal, with all the new options available now, you may wonder how can you be smarter in your approach to dating . While some of the traditional rules associated with dating still apply, there are new rules too!

Because, dear Rules authors, I would seriously question the dating if they were swiveling their neck to look at anything else but me all night.

As told to Victoria Bright. I was new to Tinder when I found Ian, who was exactly my type — not the cliched tall, dark and handsome, but I tend to like less good-looking guys. So when I saw Ian, I was more attracted to the fact he had a cheeky grin and that we had some fun banter when we were texting. I knew he was pretty quirky, and I liked that. Our date started off okay.

We had Mexican for dinner then went out for drinks. He spent a lot of time talking about his job.

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