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A young man with the title of "Dream-Catcher" is tasked to restore souls on the brink of despair by purifying their hearts and preventing them from becoming nightmares, hellish beings who prey upon the weak.
On the outside, the land seems painted with hope. If you take a closer look, it will reveal that it is void of said hope. Two high school students answer a request that will change their lives forever. Join Oliver and Penello as they travel upon the region of Astrelia and use the power of Restoration to bring back the souls of the desolate beings void of hope. Touch fleeting hearts and make them glow once more on a pilgrimage of fantastic proportions. Will the siblings have what it takes to bring peace back to Astrelia or will they succumb to the darkness? Find out in Restoration.

~Colorful World.
~*Semi-Original Soundtrack.
~Simple and Sweet.
~Touching Story.
~Several Challenging Tasks.
~Difficulty Slider.


1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
2. Зайти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрировать новую.
3. Перейти в раздел "игры" и выбрать "Активировать в Steam...", и ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.
4. После активации, игра появится в списке игр (Библиотеке) и вы сможете её скачать

1 of 10 Random Steam Games - http://plati.ru/itm/1-iz-20-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2434569?ai=24405
1 of 100 Random Steam Games - http://plati.ru/itm/100-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2403272?ai=24405
1 of 200 Random Steam Gameshttps://www.plati.market/itm/1-iz-200-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2828627?ai=24405
1 of 100 Random Steam Games with Trading Cards - http://plati.ru/itm/steam-trading-cards-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2436924?ai=24405
Gold Random Steam Games- https://www.plati.market/itm/gold-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2828650?ai=24405
Silver Random Steam Games - https://www.plati.market/itm/silver-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2828663?ai=24405
Metacritic 70+ - https://www.plati.market/itm/metacritic-70-random-steam-key/2828620?ai=24405
Platinum Random Steam Games - http://www.plati.ru/itm/platinum-random-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2458479?ai=24405
Top Random Steam Games - http://plati.ru/itm/top-random-steam-games-luchshee-kachestvo/2448976?ai=24405
Best Random Steam Games - http://www.plati.ru/itm/the-best-random-steam-games/2458855?ai=24405
Devil`s Random Steam Games - https://www.plati.market/itm/devils-random-steam-games/2828575?ai=24405
God`s Random Steam Games - https://www.plati.market/itm/god-s-random-steam-games/2828548?ai=24405

Цена: 4.99 руб.

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